General Information
Main objectives
e-Atomium aims to increase the knowledge and competencies of energy agencies, advice centers and local authority energy professionals in the important field of sustainable energy use in transport.
In the short term e-Atomium will, therefore, develop and provide tailor made training and educational programs for the specific target groups in a way to extend their competencies, knowledge and network in the field of transport and mobility.
On the long term the project wishes to address the supporting role and stimulate the active participation at local, regional and European level from the energy agencies, advice centers and local authority energy professionals in the field of sustainable energy use in transport.
Benefits for energy agencies & local actors
By participating in the e-Atomium training, energy agencies, advice centres and local authority energy professionals from Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom will:
e-Atomium is primarily designed for strengthening the knowledge and competencies of energy agencies, advice centres and local authority energy professionals in the field of sustainable energy use in transport. To stimulate active participation and future initiatives at local level more is needed than merely a transfer of information and knowledge. Therefore, e-Atomium will work with a bottom-up approach to ensure tailor made training and educational programmes.
Building on the collected information from the preparation phase, the first phase will analyse the existing knowledge, experiences, identified knowledge gaps, needs and aspirations of the target groups. Furthermore e-Atomium will examine competencies and skills necessary to work in the field of sustainable energy use in transport. In this first phase energy agencies and networks of energy agencies will be intensively involved in the project as they are the most important key actors.
In the second phase the necessary didactic strategies will be set up and training & educational material will be developed in co-operation with the target groups. In the educational outlines and the development of the courses, a continuous process of quality assurance will take place. Based on the exchange of information with key actors and the target groups a list of most relevant topics for the training will be selected. The involvement of key actors during the entire time span of the project will ensure the transferability of the training programmes to all EU countries; while providing the flexibility of adapting the course country specific.
During the third phase of the project, the developed training programmes will be implemented in six different countries (Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom). Individual business cases will be developed in close co-operation with the trainees. A business case should strengthen the energy agency and/or advice centres and/or local authority energy professionals to include sustainable energy use in transport as part of their core business. An evaluation of the developed course material & training programmes and their transferability will conclude this phase of the project.
Dissemination of the results and the spreading of the outcomes & good practices are actions that will be undertaken continuously. Different promotion & dissemination products (brochure, training material, self-study package, workshops) are some of the means of communication used in e-Atomium.
Expected results
These can be summarized as follows:
More information on: http://www.e-atomium.org/
Last Updated on Friday, 07 January 2011 09:38 |